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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Human Trafficking

How could we stop human trafficking??

Human Trafficking also know as the sex slave trade is still a huge problem for millions of people (both male and female) across the world. There is an estimated 2 million women and children that are sold to the sex trade each year from around the world. Sex Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery of a person under the age of eighteen who are forced into sexual activity.

TUPA- stands for the Enactment of the Trafficking Victims Protection act of 2000. This act made sex trafficking a serious violation of federal law in the United States. But there are still girls being brought into the U.S at an alarming rate, but not as high as western Europe. The "Commercial Sex Act" States that any sex act where anything of value is given or received by any person is considered a violation.

Sex traffickers use phycological as well as the physical minipulation to force young people into submission. Victims of sex trafficking can be any gender any age but women and girls are the majority of the people being forced in the sex trafficking. Traffickers lure their victims in to sex trafficking by promiing good jobs in other countries, false ideas of marriage or being sold into the trade by parents, husbands or boyfriends or kidnapping.

Some of the various methods that sex traffickers use to condition their victims include rape, abuse, starvation, threats of violence to victims and their familes, these are just a few of the methods that sex traffickers use. The health risks that these victims face are things such as drug addition, physical injuries ( broken bones), suicide, STD's or forced aborations and many more.

Types of sex trafficking:
  • Prostitution
  • Pornography
  • Stripping
  • Live sex shows
  • Mail order brides
  • Military prostitution
The John Hopkins University has a project called " Protection Project". The Hopkins University is located inWashington D.C and is a researched based institute. This protection project is to promote human rights and values around the world. The research, train and exchange with people and other programsn throughtout the world. The goal for this project is to educate people and help in creating a global civil society. A place where people are safe from harm no matter where they live.


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