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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Charter schools

I picked Charter schools because I never really knew what they were about and wanted to know more. Charter schools are designed to challenge traditional public schools and create a system that the community needs. Charter schools are independent public schools supported by state funds but in some degree are not held to the same regulations. These schools are based on contracts between school organizations and sponsors like the board of education or universities. Organizations are in control of the hiring and firing and budgeting money. In exchange for allowing these schools to run they are expected to exceed the expectations of a typical public school when it comes to test scores and such. This is one debate about charter schools, that they are spending all this money and the kids will test the same or worse. I believe that we need to keep experimenting with different type of schools, so we can figure out what's best for the children

Since legislation began passing in 1990 three thousand new charter schools have opened. Charter schools teach their children reading, writing and arithmetic just like a normal public school but they are allowed to change the style of teaching if desired. They have more money to spend on programs in the art's such as music and drama, extensive art classes. This is a wonderful thing in a time where public schools only care about tests scores and are eliminating classes like art and so on. I am a firm believer that children need classes that expand their creativity not take them away.

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