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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How do we help At - Risk students....

Recently the chapter that we read talks about at risk students and programs that there is for them to succeed. The problem I find is that some of these kids want to take the help but the home environment might not support them. Unfortunetly children that do not finish their schooling have a higher rate of living in poverty for the rest of their lives. The sad thing is with out education they will never know that they don't have to stay in that class-status. That's the good thing about America, if you have a dream follow it. It's amazing what a human brain can do if it's put to the test.... According to the U. S Census Bureau the following conditions may contribute to different levels of At- Risk.
  • Has at least one disabiltiy
  • Retained in a grade at least once
  • Speaks English less than "very well"
  • Does not live with both parents
  • Either parents emigrated in the past five years
  • has a family income below $ 10,000
  • Neither parent or guardian employed
At- Risk students can have all or none of these factors they just serve as a guideline for educators. There are also children that have one or two of these conditions and be the exeption to the rule and succeed above and beyond. I feel that as educators we need to really look and interact with these children before we start to label them. There are federal funded programs that have been created to help these children such as
  1. Upward Bound
  2. Pull out programs
  3. Compensatory education program
There are also mentoring programs for children that don't have the right adult to look up to. Programs like Big brother or big sisters that give one -on-one attention to these children that need the help. Another way for these kids to succeed in school would be parents getting involved but that doesn't always happen, Programs for parents to get involved are as follow
  1. PTA
  2. PTO
  3. Parent teacher conference
  4. Open house
I understand that there are more At-Risk students then there are educators. There has to be a way for us to help our youth......

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I loved the reading we did about this topic last week, and it's a great one for a blog. I agree with you that educators need to do as much as possible to help these at risk students. I know from experience in my high school that if these type of students had had more support, they would have done much better. Parent involvement is also a huge thing to me. I think the more the parents are involved, the more likely the child is to succeed. And I think this is true from a very young age. If a parent is involved in something at school or even at home that has to do with school I think it has a great impact on how well the child does in school. These at risk students need as much help as they can get! Great topic!