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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How do we fix the problems of the No Child Left Behind??

How do we fix the problems of the No Child Left Behind Act??

Education is like a double-edged sword. It may be turned to dangerous uses if it is not properly handled. Wu Ting-Fang

The funding gap:

" The gap between what was written into the law (authorized levels) and what has been funded (appropriations) comes to $56.1 billion over six years. In Title I alone, the cumulative shortfall is at $43.6 billion, and more than 3.5 million children will be left behind. (See enclosed charts on NCLB and Title I funding gaps."


I thought that this program was called No Child Left Behind. The more I read about NCLB the less I like it. I thought NCLB was to actually help out Children in trouble. I also thought is was suppose to help the education system. The schools are suppose to be getting funding to update them and buy materials for their students but the schools are not getting the money that they should be. There are schools out there that do not have enough materials for every child in each classroom. Then their going to blame the teachers for not doing a good enough job teaching. What are teachers suppose to do? During my field observation last yearI noticed that most of the supplies that were in the room were bought by the teacher. They are putting so much stress on the whole learning experience for these children and their educators that eventually something's going to break..

If the schools are not getting enough funding then they are not prepared for the technology that is out there today and if there not ready for today then what happens tomorrow. This is going to effect the future generations.

The big squeeze:

"Since 2002, when NCLB was passed, 71 percent of the nation's 15,000 school districts have reduced time spent on subjects like art, social studies, and history." www.nea.org/esea/policy.html

The schools are also eliminating certain types of classes so they can spend more time on reading and Mathematics for these standardize test, which is a requirement now for graduation. I agree that kids need to be tested but I believe the test that are given andhow they are given only adds UNneeded stress to many students. I can hear the frustraion in some teachers I have spoken to,when they talk about what they can fit into their everyday class schedule and there's not time for art or music.

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